
Introduction, Page 6

Assignment icon Unit Assignments

As you work through this unit, you will complete the following graded assignments:

Section 2: Graphing Trigonometric Functions

  • Graphing the Cosine Function Assignment: 30 points
  • Graphing the Cotangent Function Assignment: 35 points
  • Quiz 1: 40 points
Section 3: Transformations of Trigonometric Functions
  • Homework 1: 20 points
  • Homework 2: 20 points
  • Homework 3: 20 points
  • Quiz 2: 50 points
Section 4: Real World Applications of Trigonometric Functions
  • Homework 4: 35 points
  • Writing Assignment: Real-World Applications of Trigonometric Functions: 70 points
Unit 4 Exam: 75 points